Privacy Policy for Funky Forms

Last Updated:
September 13, 2023

1. Data Collection

1.1. Types of User Data Collected: Funky Forms collects the following user data, similar to standard e-commerce practices: Names Email addresses Shipping addresses Payment information IP addresses

1.2. Use of Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Funky Forms uses cookies and similar tracking technologies for the following purposes: Advertisements, Enhancing the user website experience

2. Data Usage

2.1. How We Use User Data: We utilize the data collected from users for various purposes, including but not limited to:Order processingCustomer supportSending marketing emails
2.2. Sharing User Data: User data may be shared with third parties, such as payment processors or shipping carriers, in accordance with standard e-commerce practices.

3. Data Protection

3.1. Security Measures: Funky Forms employs regular security checks on our systems to prevent unauthorized access and breaches and safeguard user information.

4. User Rights

4.1. Access, Update, and Deletion of Data: Users can request access, updates, or deletion of their data by sending an email to
4.2. Opting Out: Users can also contact us to unsubscribe from marketing communications or data collection.

5. Data Retention

5.1. Retention Period: User data is retained in accordance with industry standards. The criteria for data retention are aligned with standard e-commerce practices.

6. Legal Compliance

6.1. Data Protection Laws: Funky Forms adheres to industry-standard data protection laws and regulations, ensuring compliance with applicable legislation such as GDPR or CCPA.

7. Children's Privacy

7.1. Age Restriction: Funky Forms assumes that users accessing our website are 21 years or older. We do not knowingly collect data from children under this age.

8. Contact Information

8.1. Privacy Concerns: Users can contact us regarding privacy concerns or data-related questions by emailing us at

9. Changes to Privacy Policy

9.1. Notification of Changes: Any changes or updates to our privacy policy will be communicated on this same page, ensuring transparency and providing users with access to the latest information.